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Positioner & Protector Devices

Positioners used in wound care are devices that elevate, transfer, place, support, or help change the position of an entire body or individual parts. They utilize air, air-permeable fabrics, fiber fill, foam, gel, or a combination of these components. Indicated to keep bony prominences (such as knees or ankles) from direct contact with one another; raise the heels off the bed; transfer an individual from one surface to another; move an individual up in bed; or position limbs to prevent foot contractures and hip rotation.

Positioners used in wound care are devices that elevate, transfer, place, support, or help change the position of an entire body or individual parts. They utilize air, air-permeable fabrics, fiber fill, foam, gel, or a combination of these components.

Positioners may be used in the treatment and prevention of pressure ulcers by providing effective positioning support for individuals at risk, offloading of vulnerable areas and safe surface transfer to avoid injury due to shear force and friction.

Positioning devices feature the following general performance properties and attributes:
• May be available with a cover to reduce heat, moisture or shear force between the skin and the device
• May be machine washable, able to be autoclaved, or have a cover that can be wiped down for disinfection

Positioners are indicated to keep bony prominences (such as knees or ankles) from direct contact with one another, to raise the heels off the bed, to transfer an individual from one surface to another, to elevate an individual's positioning in bed, or to position limbs to prevent foot contractures and hip rotation.


WAFFLE® FootHold™ with Splint (AFO)

The WAFFLE® FootHold™ with Splint (AFO) is a positioning device for the lower extremity. Features the patented Hydro-Cushion® to protect the Achilles and lift the heel. Washable with Velcro® closure.

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WAFFLE® Heel Elevator Custom

WAFFLE® Heel Elevator Custom surrounds the lower limb in air and is designed to float the heel while sustaining the integrity of the foot and ankle. The air-filled straps and foot pad offer pressure ulcer prevention, treatment and comfort. It can be used conveniently at home and on OR tables, stretchers, ICU beds, wheelchairs and general ward beds.

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