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Wound Care Training Tools


Wilma Wound Foot™-0950

Wilma Wound Foot™ is a foot model used to identify the staging of 20 different wounds and their probable etiologies. Cleansing and dressing changes can be practiced on all wounds.

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Wound Care Concepts

Wound Care Concepts is an on-demand training education program for clinicians to enhance their wound care skills, improve patient outcomes, and gain a deeper understanding of wound care therapies. This program is eligible for CEs and recognized nationally to prepare for a wound care certification.

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The WoundDoctor app is a tool for nurses, physical therapists and doctors providing wound care. Includes an algorithm for wound management with clinical guidelines, glossary, and information on skin histology, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, wound dressings, assessment, physical therapy modalities, and more. Includes a knowledge quiz and an assortment of media to aid learning.

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WoundReference provides clinical and reimbursement decision support and a telemedicine platform for wound care and hyperbaric clinicians at the point of care. Online platform, accessible from any device with internet. Continuing education credits in wound care and hyperbaric medicine.

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