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Understanding Venous Leg Ulcers

Venous leg ulcers (VLUs) account for 70-80% of lower extremity wounds, making them one of the most common etiologies clinicians encounter. Because of their frequency, it is important that health care professionals understand evidence-based treatment methods and the importance of early interventions in these complex wounds. Understanding the etiology of venous leg ulcers is the first step in resolving them. VLUs are caused by venous insufficiency, which causes the blood to pool in the legs. Without putting interventions in place to address this underlying issue, VLUs will not resolve and will continue to occur. Compression therapy is the standard of care for managing and preventing VLUs. In addition to compression, other complicating factors such as infection and biofilm also need to be addressed in order to promote wound healing. The use of advanced therapies that help control bioburden and optimization of the wound environment can support the closure of these wounds. Participants in this webinar will:

  • Understand VLU causative factors
  • Become familiar with advanced therapies that can promote healing in VLUs
  • Understand the importance of early, advanced interventions in wound management
Early interventions in VLU management can encourage best outcomes for patients and improve quality of life. When developing a plan of care for VLU patients, consider early implementation of advanced therapies.

Presented by: Amy Tucker, MD

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