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Wound Care Month

JUNE IS WOUND CARE MONTH For this month's WoundSource Practice Accelerator series, we are providing education on a variety of topics related to wound care. Scroll below to read this month's white paper and articles, to print out our quick fact sheet, and check out other related resources.

Fact Sheet

Quick Facts - Woundologist Facts

A woundologist exhibits expertise in the field of wound care management by demonstrating knowledge and skills. Patients benefit from this combined knowledge and expertise of wound care specialists for both physical and mental healing. For health care providers considering wound care certification, factors such as eligibility, required experience, employer preference, and accreditation or nonaccreditation all play a role in determining which certification is the best fit. Health care professional...

Featured Articles

Support in Wound Care: National Organizations

Wound care is complex. Even professionals who have worked as wound care specialists for decades are still learning as researchers discover more about the healing process and barriers that impede healing. Additionally, the medical professionals who may work with a patient with a complex or chronic wo...

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Documentation in Wound Care

Wound documentation is critical for the delivery of effective wound care, the facilitation of care continuity, and proper health data coding. Inaccurate wound documentation can impact the ability to determine the best wound treatment options and the overall wound healing process. Unfortunately, almo...

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What’s New in Wound Care

Chronic and nonhealing wounds are a worldwide issue and are becoming more difficult to treat. In the United States alone, according to Medicare, over 8 million Americans have chronic wounds that cost the national health care system between $18.1 and $96.8 billion per year. If standard treatment does...

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What Is Standard of Care in Wound Care?

Patients with wounds are cared for according to the scope and standards of practice, which are used to guide nurses and other members of the interprofessional wound care team. An intricate network of physicians, medical researchers, government regulators, and medical journal contributors helps devel...

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