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Alton R. Johnson Jr., DPM, DABPM, FACPM, FASPS, CWSP

Compression Therapy: Addressing Edema to Support Wound Healing

September 16, 2019
By Alton R. Johnson Jr, DPM Four weeks ago, I was granted the privilege to treat a patient with type 2 diabetes with neuropathy who presented to the wound care center after developing a full-thick...

Purchasing Wound Care Supplies: Potential Patient Hurdles

September 2, 2020
It all started with a phone call at close to midnight on a Saturday night from my physician’s phoneline app. It was an established wound care patient calling me to state that his negative pressure the...

The Amputation Crisis of African American Patients

February 5, 2021
By Alton Johnson Jr., DPM, CWSP Since my last blog post, I was fortunate enough to turn 32 years old. To many of us, turning 32 years old does not seem like much of a big deal, but as an African Am...

Understanding Racial Disparities in Wound Imaging

January 6, 2023
In this interview with Dr. Johnson, he describes the use of imaging technology in wound care and how clinicians should be aware of the way skin pigmentation may be evaluated differently/ incorrectly w...

Wound Cleansing Basics for Health Care Providers and Patients

January 23, 2020
By Alton R. Johnson, Jr, DPM I can hear it now: "Alton! Don't forget to wash your hands." That's the voice of my grandmother I hear anytime I needed to wash my hands after using the lavatory, befor...
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