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Ron Sherman, MD, MSC, DTM&H

Bagged and Free-Range: How Different Maggot Therapy Dressings Work

August 27, 2015
By Ron Sherman MD, MSC, DTM&H I have been avoiding the topic of addressing the differences between contained (bagged) versus confined (non-bagged or "free-range") maggot therapy because I haven't w...

Common Obstacles on the Road to Maggot Debridement Therapy

June 23, 2017
By Ronald Sherman MD, MSC, DTM&H Bob Hope and Bing Crosby starred in a series of films called "On the Road" in which the duo traveled around the globe, facing a variety of amusing obstacles and mis...

Maggot Debridement Therapy in the United States

June 20, 2019
By Ronald A. Sherman, MD The year 2019 began with a shadow over the field of biosurgery and a dark cloud over American health care: BioMonde, currently the largest producer of medicinal maggots in ...

Want to Understand Your Wound Care Patient's Perspective? Just Ask!

June 4, 2015
By Ron Sherman MD, MSC, DTM&H Several months back, I suggested that we could better understand our patients' actions (for example, why patients do not adhere to their treatment plans) by looking at...

Weighing Wound Care Conference Speakers’ Qualifications Against Their Conflicts of Interest

August 21, 2016
By Ronald Sherman MD, MSC, DTM&H I am seeing more and more expert lecturers being disqualified from speaking at wound care conferences, simply because their qualifications include significant posit...

What the Studies Say: Contained and Free-Range Maggot Therapy Delivery

December 17, 2015
By Ron Sherman MD, MSC, DTM&H In my previous post on maggot therapy, we discussed the differences between confinement and containment maggot therapy dressings. This post will examine the studies th...

When Should Contained Maggot Therapy Be Used for Wound Debridement?

February 25, 2016
By Ronald Sherman MD, MSC, DTM&H In a previous post, we learned that all clinical studies to date and all but one laboratory study indicate that contained ("bagged") maggots are effective in wound ...
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