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Maggot Debridement Therapy

Bagged and Free-Range: How Different Maggot Therapy Dressings Work

August 27, 2015
By Ron Sherman MD, MSC, DTM&H I have been avoiding the topic of addressing the differences between contained (bagged) versus confined (non-bagged or "free-range") maggot therapy because I haven't w...

Common Obstacles on the Road to Maggot Debridement Therapy

June 23, 2017
By Ronald Sherman MD, MSC, DTM&H Bob Hope and Bing Crosby starred in a series of films called "On the Road" in which the duo traveled around the globe, facing a variety of amusing obstacles and mis...

Creepy Crawlies of Wound Care

October 15, 2020
As summer begins to wind down and we look ahead to Halloween, let’s discuss some “creepy crawlies” we may encounter in wound care that may cause apprehension in even the most seasoned health care staf...

Debridement: When and Why?

April 30, 2020
By the WoundSource Editors Wound debridement is a crucial strategy for addressing some of the underlying causes of wound chronicity. The wound healing process can be impacted by chronic disease, va...

Don’t All Wounds Deserve Palliative Care?

February 20, 2013
By Aletha Tippett MD For over a decade now I have treated wounds in palliative care patients and non-palliative care patients. The “funny” thing is that there is no difference in how I treat these ...

Even Medicinal Maggots Carry Warnings

June 20, 2014
By Deboshree Roy, MSC and Ron Sherman MD, MSC, DTM&H Most wound care therapists are well acquainted with the benefits of maggot debridement therapy (MDT) by now, but may not be as informed about it...

Healing Helpers: The History of Larval Therapy

July 20, 2023
In wound clinics far and wide, the appearance of unplanned tiny visitors during a dressing change is often met with disgust. These creepy critters tend to indicate the presence of poor hygiene along w...

Infected Wound Therapies: Leeches, Maggots and Bees, Oh My!

May 23, 2013
By Laurie Swezey RN, BSN, CWOCN, CWS, FACCWS Although the standard treatment for infected wounds continues to include antimicrobial therapy, other therapies are gaining in popularity due to the ris...

Maggot Debridement Therapy in the United States

June 20, 2019
By Ronald A. Sherman, MD The year 2019 began with a shadow over the field of biosurgery and a dark cloud over American health care: BioMonde, currently the largest producer of medicinal maggots in ...
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