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A Journal Reviewer's Tips for Publication Success

April 23, 2015
By Michel H.E. Hermans, MD The first time you see your name published as the lead author of an article you are filled with pride. If an article is rejected you are filled with frustration. ...

How 100 Wounds Led to a 20-Year Mission

July 19, 2017
By Jeanne Cunningham, Founder of WoundSource After seeing about 100 pictures of wounds, I was beginning to feel sick. The year was 1985 and there I was, a recent college graduate in my 20s, sitting...

Making Practice Connections With Mentorship

December 1, 2022
According to a recent MGMA Stat poll, 60% of health care organizations offer an onboarding/mentorship program for new health care professionals. This process involves the transfer of knowledge from 1 ...

Mentoring in Wound Care: Step Up for the Next Generation

August 9, 2019
by Catherine Milne, APRN, MSN, ANP/ACNS-BC, CWOCN-AP We need mentors in wound care. Why? Our number of wound care providers cannot meet the overwhelming needs of our patients, our traditional pract...

Notes to Myself as a Novice Nurse

July 12, 2013
By Diana L. Gallagher MS, RN, CWOCN, CFCN Recently, I have been intrigued by a variety of celebrities offering us a glimpse of their inner selves as they share what they wish they had known when th...

Strengthening The Image of Nursing: One Nurse at a Time

May 23, 2014
By Diana L. Gallagher MS, RN, CWOCN, CFCN The importance of being exposed to positive role models is critical in nurturing one’s development and growth. In nursing, it is an important element that ...

The Importance of Life Long Learning in Wound Care

January 26, 2015
As a child, I did my best to teach my stuffed animals. I lined them up perfectly, and set up my little card table and chairs. I couldn’t wait to grow up and become a real teacher. Teaching what, I did...

The Wound Man

January 6, 2022
For years I was the only medical doctor doing inpatient wound consults in my hospital. I was continually amazed at the variety of wounds that reflected a wide gamut of human disease. Each wound was un...

Wound Care Nursing Perspectives: The Person Behind the Patient

January 13, 2015
By Diana L. Gallagher MS, RN, CWOCN, CFCN I recently had the privilege of attending a patient's funeral. I would imagine that most nurses attend funerals for special patients from time to time. As ...

WoundSource Reader Profile: Karen Zulkowski

June 23, 2017
By Karen Zulkowski, DNS, RN Wound Course Instructor, Excelsior College Dr. Karen Zulkowski is recently retired from her role as associate professor at Montana State University-Bozeman, where she ta...
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