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Total Parenteral Nutrition

A Call to Action: Identifying Malnutrition in Patients with Wounds

September 21, 2013
By Mary Ellen Posthauer RDN, CD, LD, FAND In last month's blog, I discussed recent research and publication of the consensus statement of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (Academy) and the Am...

How Cultural Values and Religious Beliefs Impact the Decision for Enteral Feeding

February 13, 2014
By Mary Ellen Posthauer, RDN, CD, LD, FAND Lindsay Andronaco's blog, "How Can Wound Care Nurses Provide Culturally Sensitive Care" prompted me to reflect on similar situations that I have encounter...

Registered Dietitians Hold One of the Keys to Wound Healing

March 6, 2013
By Mary Ellen Posthauer RDN, CD, LD, FAND In response to Dr. Michael Miller's February blog, I would like to educate readers on the role and responsibility of the registered dietitian (RD) on the w...

Revisiting Serum Hepatic Proteins as Markers of Nutritional Status in Wound Management

March 9, 2014
by Mary Ellen Posthauer, RDN, CD, LD, FAND Several years ago when my nutrition blog began, I discussed the issue of relying on laboratory values – in particular albumin, pre-albumin and transthyret...

The Success Stories of Total Parenteral Nutrition Therapy in Healing Chronic Wounds

September 20, 2012
By Lydia A Meyers RN, MSN, CWCN I have been thinking for awhile about what to do for this month’s blog. During the time I worked for CTI nutritional I realized that many wound care nurses, includin...
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