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Patient Accessibility

3 Secrets to Getting Your Patients to Collaborate in the Treatment Plan

November 12, 2014
By Robert Striks, Special Writer, Encompass HealthCare & Wound Medicine There's a funny scene in the Marx Brothers movie, "Horse Feathers," where Chico tells Harpo how to escape from the room they ...

Evaluating the Credibility of Your Wound Care Information Sources

January 6, 2017
By Janet Wolfson, PT, CLWT, CWS, CLT-LANA It is hard to read a newspaper (my preferred news source) or an online news site without discovering false information. I recently read an NPR article abo...

How a Shortage in Certified Nurses is Creating Wound Care Deserts

February 18, 2016
By Diana L. Gallagher MS, RN, CWOCN, CFCN Last month, the news shared two important stories that were closely linked. Walmart announced the closing of 102 Walmart Express stores as part of their ov...

Must Love Dogs: Animal Adventures in Home Health Care

January 10, 2019
By Margaret Heale, RN, MSc, CWOCN "Must Love Dogs (Cats, Lizards, Snakes, Birds, AND Arachnids)." This is a line that needs to be next to all job advertisements for home health care staff. You see,...

Providing Barrier-Free Treatment for Disabled Patients

June 20, 2014
em>By Rob Striks, Special Writer Encompass HealthCare and Wound Medicine One of the most heartbreaking scenes in Forrest Gump is when Lieutenant Dan is coming to grips with the loss of his legs. R...

Providing Patients with Cultural Care

July 17, 2013
By Karen Zulkowski DNS, RN, CWS All medical personnel strive to provide care based on the strongest available evidence. Yet how many of us provide culturally competent care? Culturally competent ca...

Purchasing Wound Care Supplies: Potential Patient Hurdles

September 2, 2020
It all started with a phone call at close to midnight on a Saturday night from my physician’s phoneline app. It was an established wound care patient calling me to state that his negative pressure the...

Refractory Wounds: Systemic Factors Affecting Repair – Iatrogenic Factors (Part 4 of 4)

July 28, 2021
Refractory wounds comprise a significant worldwide health problem, affecting 5 to 7 million people per year in the United States alone, as discussed in previous blogs. Wounds that fail to heal not onl...

Social and Environmental Sources of Disparities in Wound Care

August 11, 2023
There are physiologic, social, and environmental etiologic mechanisms for disparate health outcomes. Disparities in social determinants of health (SDH), bias, chronic exposure to stress, and generatio...
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