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Understanding the Braden Scale: Focus on Mobility

May 2, 2019
By Holly Hovan, MSN, RN-BC, APRN-CNS, CWOCN-AP What is mobility? Typically, when we hear the word mobility, we think about our ability to move, with or without assistance. In a long-term care setti...

Wheelchairs and Pressure Injuries: What Do We Know?

July 26, 2019
By Ivy Razmus, RN, PhD, CWOCN People in wheelchairs are limited in their mobility, sensory perception, and activity. These limitations can lead to increased temperature and moisture on the areas th...

World Wide Pressure Injury Prevention Day: An Opportunity to Educate

December 13, 2018
By Holly M. Hovan MSN, APRN, ACNS-BC, CWOCN-AP What does your facility do to raise awareness regarding pressure injury prevention? We have lots of educational opportunities throughout the year, but...
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