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Risk Factors

Pressure Ulcer Prevention Best Practices

February 12, 2015
By Aletha Tippett, MD I was recently asked to speak on best practices for prevention of pressure ulcers for a group of state surveyors. This is an excellent subject and here is how I would address ...

Pressure Ulcer/Injury Prevention: Assessing Risk Factors

November 1, 2017
By the WoundSource Editors Pressure ulcers/injuries pose a major risk to patients by increasing morbidity and mortality and causing significant discomfort.1 They are also prevalent, particularly in...

Preventing Heel Pressure Ulcers: Simple Methods and Identifying Risk Factors

May 5, 2011
By Laurie Swezey RN, BSN, CWOCN, FACCWS Heels are particularly vulnerable to skin breakdown. The posterior heel is only covered by a thin layer of skin and fat, and that makes breakdown a very real...

Preventing Pressure Injuries by Encouraging Nursing Assistants

November 14, 2019
By Holly M. Hovan MSN, RN-BC, APRN.ACNS-BC, CWOCN-AP Often when we hear the words "pressure injury," our brains are trained to think about staging the wound, considering treatment options, and obta...

Preventing Surgical Site Infections

September 27, 2019
By the WoundSource Editors The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) define a surgical site infection (SSI) as "an infection that occurs after surgery in the part of the body where the s...

Risk Factors: Poor Oral Hygiene and Aspiration Pneumonia

July 9, 2015
By Mary Ellen Posthauer RDN, CD, LD, FAND While the focus of nutrition interventions for wound healing involve the amount of protein, calories and beverages provided and consumed, we tend to forget...
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