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How to Determine If That Cellular and/or Tissue-Based Product Is Worth It

November 20, 2015
by Thomas E. Serena MD, FACS, FACHM, FAPWCA Lawrence Mills introduced the concept of Value Analysis to the manufacturing industry a half century ago. The basic idea entails analyzing the function a...

How to Use FDA Classifications to Select Skin and Wound Care Products

December 26, 2014
By the WoundSource Editors Health care professionals have a major responsibility for assuring patient safety and quality of care when making wound care product selections or recommending treatment...

Hydrogel Dressings: What Should You Know?

October 3, 2023
As we know, debridement is a critical aspect of wound management. It is critical to remove non-viable tissue to mitigate infection risks and promote moist wound healing. Typically, we think of enzymat...

Hydrogel: An Overused Wound Care Modality?

May 12, 2017
By Jeffrey Levine MD While I’m on rounds with students I like to ask, "What is the active ingredient of hydrogel?" My query is usually met with puzzled looks. It's a trick question, because the ter...

Hypergranulation Tissue: What It Is and How to Treat

May 5, 2023
Laura Swoboda, DNP, APNP, FNP-C, FNP-BC, CWOCN-AP, WOCNF The small bright red cobblestone texture of healthy granulation tissue is just that: a granule of new collagen and the new growth of capilla...

In Wound Care, One Size Does Not Fit All

February 5, 2019
by Ivy Razmus, RN, PhD, CWOCN As we continually focus on improving our skills in prevention and management of skin and wounds, we are beginning to understand that one size does not fit all; or, in ...

Incontinence-Associated Dermatitis: Evidence-Based Practices

February 10, 2023
Moisture-associated skin damage (MASD) is sometimes accompanied by serous exudate, a denuded appearance of skin, or a secondary cutaneous infection. As the most common form of MASD, incontinence-assoc...

Is NPWT Enough? Three Products Commonly Combined with Negative Pressure

February 8, 2013
By Beth Hawkins Bradley RN, MN, CWON Finding the key to unlocking a non-healing chronic wound keeps us awake at night. Though we have, as bedside clinicians, learned much about the physiology and b...

Medical Ethics: How Overtreatment Impacts Patient Quality of Life

November 17, 2015
By Michel H.E. Hermans, MD Undertreatment of medical issues is not necessarily bad: palliative care usually only treats symptoms but not the underlying cause of the symptoms which, if the patient w...
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